Sunday, May 27, 2018

Dirty Secret to Purchase Domain Name

Welcome to the first step to create your own website today!

When we are talking about the web designing, there are main 2 things to know.

  1. Domain name
  2. Web hosting

Domain name is the address, that users are visiting your website. This domain name is using to locate the web server on the internet. Normally Internet using IP addresses to locate computers on the internet. However, it's very troublesome to users. so domain names are developed to solve this problem. When you are trying to create a website, the first thing you should do is choosing a Domain name. 

A domain name is a combination of letters and numbers, and it will finish in .com, .net, or another extension. You have to check and confirm the availability of your chosen domain name using a domain name provider. Because only one domain name can exist on the internet.

The most famous domain name provider is The normal domain name price of .com domain is around $12. Actually, this amount is very small when thinking about a free domain. Why am I talking like this? let's imagine you create a website using a free domain name. You spend your whole strength and money to promote that website. but in the end, you spent your strength and money for nothing. because most free domains are giving domain names as subdomains. all that traffic you generate is going to another person's account. If you purchased a domain for yourself you can sell that traffic in future. So remember never go for free domain names.

But most web designers has not enough money even to the domain name. They have just ideas like you do. so they are going for free domain names. But let me teach you a dirty secret that I am using when purchasing a domain name. I am not spending money on a domain name more than $5. You just have to search these things on Google search engine.
"Free domain names"
"$0.99 domains"
"Low cost domain names" 
"Cheap domain names" 
I think now you know what to do. Please check terms and conditions of that domain name providers before buying. I will talk about "Web hosting" in my next blog. thanks for reading.

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